Stink in the Sink

While I was at work yesterday and my children were in "daddy daycare" a few events transpired throughout the day. First David was being the good husband and cleaning all the bathrooms and Sawyer had asked him if he could play in the kitchen sink with his bath toys. So David filled the sink up for him and left him to splish splash a bit while he finished scrubbing toilets. Well when he returned to the kitchen to check on Sawyer this is what he found..........................

guess Sawyer meant LITERALLY - could he play in the sink!!!

Then sweet innocent little MagPie got up for her nap and Daddy went to get her. Upon entering the room he was blown away by a pungent smell so he assumed she had just filled her drawers. But upon turning on the light she had poop from one end to the other of her bed!!! David thinks she must have done this early on in the nap because it took 2 baths to get her clean. You are all lucky because David did not photograph this incident!!!!

1 comment:

oodrea1221 said...

TOO FUNNY...and what an adorable face in the pic! So, did she open her diaper and then roll around in it odd that I want details? Daniel did that once... hopefully it won't happen again! Love the post about perusing the aisles of Wal Mart (who doesn't?!) and how Starbucks has saved the lives of your children! Hope you're having fun camping!

See you Monday!